About the Authors
Ross Gittell

Ross Gittell is the chancellor of the Community College System of New Hampshire and James R. Carter professor at the University of New Hampshire’s Whittemore School of Business and Economics. Professor Gittell’s scholarly focus involves applying economic and management theory to regional, state, and community economic development and education issues. His main areas of specialization and research include entrepreneurship, the environment, the economy, and collaborative public and private sector economic and educational efforts. He is the author of three books and more than one hundred academic articles.
Professor Gittell’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Energy Foundation. Professor Gittell is vice president and forecast manager on the board of the New England Economic Project. He was one of the founders of the Green Launching Pad program in New Hampshire and is also on the board of the Exeter Trust Company, the Foundation for Healthy Communities, and Exeter Hospital. Professor Gittell received his PhD from Harvard University, his MBA from the University of California at Berkeley, and his AB in economics from the University of Chicago.
Matt Magnusson

Matt Magnusson is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire’s (UNH) Whittemore School of Business and Economics with a master of business administration. He currently is earning his PhD in natural resources and environmental studies at UNH and is also an adjunct lecturer at UNH, teaching sustainability business models. He has provided analysis on the economic impacts of several different environmental public policy initiatives, including work on the NH Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) and the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a carbon cap-and-trade program in the Northeast.
Other research includes “New Hampshire’s Green Economy and Industries: Current Employment and Future Opportunities,” “Economic Impact of the Proposed Antrim 30 MW Wind Power Project in Antrim, New Hampshire,” and the economic analysis of policies proposed in “The New Hampshire Climate Action Plan,” performed for the NH Climate Change Task Force.
Michael Merenda

Michael Merenda is a professor of strategic management and entrepreneurship and chair of the management department in the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. His current research interests are in case research, the role of entrepreneurial education in fostering entrepreneurship, top management team (TMT) experience in venture creation, and the strategic use of information technology in small and medium enterprise (SME) competitiveness. His research has appeared in International Journal of E-Business Research, International Journal of Case Method Research and Application, Journal of Excellence in College Teaching, The Case Research Journal, Telecommunication Policy, Journal of Industrial and Corporate Change, Sloan Management Review, Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, and International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. Mike is director of the University’s Annual Holloway Prize Innovation-to-Market Competition, and his students regularly participate in the Annual I2P (idea to product) Global Competition. Mike received his BS and MBA degrees from Northeastern University and his PhD from the University of Massachusetts.