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12.3 Discussion Questions and Activities

Discussion Questions

  1. Explain three different types of public relations tools that a company can use to generate interest in its products.
  2. What types of sponsorships are becoming more popular and why?
  3. How can an organization use all four social media zones?
  4. What are the risks of posting information on social media?


  1. Create a product review or a blog for your favorite fast-food restaurant that you would like other people to see on social media. Where would you post it?
  2. Write a press release about special activities your college or university is doing to help the environment or community.
  3. Identify your favorite television show and explain what product placements you think would be successful. Would you change your recommended product placements if you were making recommendations for shows that appealed more to parents or grandparents?
  4. You’ve been asked to create a new social media networking site. What would you name the site and what would you suggest to make it better than existing sites?

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