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6.7 Chapter Summary

  • Changing behaviors requires cultural strategic thinking and mindfulness in order to recognize which behaviors are inappropriate and which are desirable.
  • Self-concept is critical to one’s adaptation. Self-concepts are developed over time, they are dynamic, and they are organized.
  • Cognitive dissonance can interrupt one’s self-concept. Dissonance between one’s self-concept and what is heard or observed causes one to feel uncomfortable, anxious, fearful, and, in the learning process, makes a person less likely to learn the new information.
  • Adaptation of one’s behaviors requires management of the internal change process and one’s responses to it. Knowledge of your behaviors during change or transitions can help you to identify the emotions and thoughts you have that are counterproductive to your ability to adapt.
  • Linguistic relativity is the idea that language shapes world views and also shapes behaviors. Words, and the understanding of words, take on many forms in different cultures; words may be understood differently in different cultures.
  • Cultures communicate in different ways, and, as a result, the behaviors of people are different. It is important that, as a leader, while paying attention to the behaviors, you recognize the intention of the communication versus the impact.
  • To change one’s behaviors, you must learn to change your mind. This requires the ability to think in a culturally strategic manner and to be mindful of your thoughts and behaviors. Once you identify the situation, the thoughts you have about the situation, and the emotions you feel in the situation, you have a greater chance of changing the behavior.
  • Storytelling is a strategy to use when changing behaviors. Stories can unite people of different cultures in recognizing core organizational values.