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8.4 End-of-Chapter Exercises

It’s Your Turn

  1. Use the fruit- and vegetable-intake calculator provided by the CDC to determine the amount of fruit and vegetables recommended for your diet, and then plan a menu for a day that incorporates the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.
  2. The next time you’re at the grocery store, record the number, color, and names of the fruits and vegetables available. Draw a table of them, sorted by color. Write a brief statement on whether you have access to an affordable variety of fruits and vegetables.
  3. Visit the website “Nutrition-and-You” and choose three herbs and/or spices to write a brief summary on, including the plant they come from, their potential health benefits, and how they are used in foods.

Apply It

  1. Visit the Oldways website at and construct a pyramid of the Mediterranean diet.

Expand Your Knowledge

  1. Read the article, “Antioxidant Content of Whole-Grain Breakfast Cereals, Fruits, and Vegetables” in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition ( and summarize in a paragraph the unique phytochemical profile and antioxidant capacity of whole grains.
  2. Find out how much fruit and vegetables cost by reviewing this document published by the USDA (, and make a chart of the costs of your favorite fruits and vegetables.