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7.8 End-of-Chapter Exercises

It’s Your Turn

  1. Make a flow chart of the physiological events that trigger thirst.
  2. Calculate your sodium intake in a day. Is it lower, average, or higher than the recommended intake?
  3. Tear the labels off of, or bring in the whole can or bottle of, your favorite beverages. Make a chart of the fluid amount, calories, and nutrients in each beverage.
  4. Determine how much caffeine you consume each day and its sources (use Table 7.12 "Mental and Physical Effects of Different BAC Levels" to help you). Then, rank your consumption levels based on the guidelines provided in this chapter.

Apply It

  1. Make a list of ten things you do that use water and then another of ten things the body does with water.
  2. Calculate your daily sodium intake for a week. Is your daily intake lower, average, or higher than the recommended intake? How does it vary during the week?
  3. Perform an experiment in class by conducting a taste-test of tap water and bottled waters. Make a chart of the results.

Expand Your Knowledge

  1. Diagram two physiological mechanisms that regulate water output.
  2. Read this article and summarize in a paragraph if it is or is not the time to “end the war on salt.” ( Can you find a reference that disputes the conclusions of this article?
  3. Visit the website of The Beverage Panel and review how they used the knowledge of health and nutrition to set recommendations for particular beverages (